Mystery Shopping and Test Purchasing Services

Mystery Shopping and Test Purchasing Services

Surelock have for a number of years provided “mystery shoppers” and have a nationwide team of experienced operatives that are engaged in test purchasing and mystery shopper investigations. These investigations can cover a number of matters on behalf of our clients such as:

  • Are your customers being dealt with in accordance with your company policy?

  • Is the correct price being paid for the item being sold?

  • Are your staff bypassing your invoicing system and charging a lower price for cash?

  • Are the correct health and safety information/equipment being given?
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Our operatives can give evidence of any wrong doings at Employment Tribunals and Criminal Courts and if needs be covertly video record these matters for training purposes.

Integrity tests can also be conducted by the shopper with the purpose of establishing whether criminal activity is taking place against the company.

Call Us Now 0333 6000 300
Our Company 23 Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 8YT, UK

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Would you like to speak to one of our team over the phone? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also e-mail us for any further concern.