<h1 class="entry-title">Category: Uncategorized</h1>
04 Jul

Surelock – Tool Hire & Construction Industry

Surelock has a particular expertise in the tool hire and construction industry with over 25 years and experience. We have a nationwide team who can respond quickly and deal with the following: – Surelock is uniquely placed to meet these challenges and because of our expertise and dedicated team, we can offer your business a […]

27 Jun

Surelock’s Services for Premier League Football Clubs

It’s a great pleasure to work on behalf of Premier League Football Clubs, one of which we have done for over 17 years, working directly with their security team. We wonder sometimes though with players earning such good money, many do not take the security of themselves, their family or their home seriously, probably because […]

26 Apr

Surelock’s Bug Sweeps

Electronic Countermeasures Sweeps (Bug Sweeps) is a professional service we are called upon much more nowadays, it is the process of detecting and removing hidden surveillance devices or bugs from a location, mainly on behalf of corporate businesses but also some private clients, especially as cyber security is so important in this modern day and […]

08 Dec

Surelock Core Services

As Christmas rapidly approaches and the end of the year is in sight, we thought we would tell you about our Core Services and how we can help you going forward, either as a retained corporate client or a private individual. Although we are very well known globally in the brand protection world, looking after some of […]

24 Nov

Surelock – Black Friday

It’s BLACK FRIDAY the busiest online shopping day of the year, please be careful especially when shopping online. Already, in the first half of this year, UK Finance reported that purchase scam losses rose by nearly £10m compared to the first half of 2022, with over 76,000 cases reported. These scams are a problem throughout […]

17 Nov

Surelock Brand Protection

This week some of our Brand Protection Team attended the ACG (Anti-Counterfeiting Group) Road Show in London, on behalf of our clients Western Digital, Under Armour and LVMH (Watches & Perfumes). It is always good to engage with delegates from The Police, PIPCU, Trading Standards and UKBF, whose assistance we greatly appreciate.  During this past […]

05 Aug

What Can a Private Investigator Do?

Private investigators can help you with a variety of issues, whether this is to assist in criminal investigations, catch a cheating partner, or gather evidence of fraud. Our team at Surelock have come together to create a list of some of the main reasons why our clients come to us for our private investigation services.  […]

30 Jun

Surelock – Bank Screen Sharing Scams

Very sound advice from NatWest. What is a screen share scam? Screen sharing scams, also known as remote access fraud, is when a criminal persuades you to download screen sharing or remote access software which is then used to steal sensitive information, access accounts, even transfer your funds. Increasingly, criminals often pretend to be calling […]

21 Jan
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Surelock – Core Services

With a New Year come new challenges, if ever you need professional help either as a private individual or business, Surelock has a dedicated, highly skilled, and experienced team of professional private investigators and security consultants that work across London and the UK. BRAND PROTECTION – We are one of the most pro-active successful Brand […]

01 Oct

Surelock’s Brand Protection work NFL

Surelock are one of the most pro-active and successful Brand Protection Companies in the UK, dealing with intellectual property right investigations on behalf of our clients, both online and in the marketplace. Active members of the Anti-counterfeiting Group the National Markets Group and indeed the Association of British Investigators . We are pleased once […]