Hearing this statement makes you stop and listen, especially if it is uttered by someone who spent a long part of his life at Scotland Yard and participated in missions to places where dictators ruled and would shoot anyone who dared break the night curfew. Ron Harrison has now retired from the police force but […]
Surelock has a dedicated, highly skilled, and experienced team of professional private investigators and security consultants that work across London and the UK. A little bit about our Experts We are corporate members of The Association of British Investigators (ABI). The experience and expertise you will find under the Surelock umbrella is second to none. […]
What’s happening to crime during the Covid-19 pandemic?
Levels of crime are always changing – but generally the trend has been downwards since the mid-1990s, during 2020 types of crime changed significantly… https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/56463680
Government to modernise product safety laws
Call for evidence opened with view to updating and modernising UK product safety framework to ensure UK laws are fit for 21st century… https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-to-modernise-product-safety-laws-to-ensure-theyre-fit-for-21st-century
What3words – the app that could save your life
What3words – the app that divides the world into 57 trillion squares, each having a unique random three-word address. Police have urged everyone to download this app and say it has already saved several lives. Read more to find out what is and how it works… https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-4931976
Surelock Director
Ron Harrison successfully completes Equal Opportunity and Diversity Course
Jilly Saward
Roy Herridge QPM is a Director and founder of Surelock and a former Detective Superintendent with the Metropolitan Police. He was the Senior Investigating Officer for the Jilly Saward case. “It is with great regret and sadness that I heard of the sad and untimely death of Jilly Saward and we express our sympathy […]
Now Grey Goods Are Not So Grey
The recent Court of Appeal decision in R v C and Others [2016] EWCA Crim 1617 has confirmed that sale of grey goods can be met by criminal sanctions under Section 92 of the Trade Marks Act 1994 (‘the Act’), which can amount to a maximum of 10 years imprisonment. Grey goods are goods to […]
Counterfeit Banknotes
This is a message sent via In The Know – Surrey and Sussex. This information has been sent on behalf of Surrey Police Over the last few days we have had several reports of three smartly dressed men in suits trying to pass off fake £50 and £100 notes, believed Scottish counterfeit notes. They go […]
Warning to Councils over Cuts to Statutory Services
A Council’s eleventh hour decision to conduct a more wide-ranging review of its trading standards function has served as a reminder to other authorities to think carefully about their statutory duties when making cuts – or risk being hauled before the courts. Liverpool City Council has faced a two-year legal challenge from a former employee after […]