Important News for Owners of CCTV Systems

Important News for Owners of CCTV Systems

This message has been sent by the Bromley Neighbourhood Watch Association for the attention of owners of CCTV systems.


Dear Coordinator,

Are you aware, following a ruling by the European Court of Justice, the UK Information Commissioner (ICO) has ruled that household CCTV systems that film beyond the boundary of the property, such as the street, must now be registered?  The ICO has implemented this with an annual fee per household of £35 and details of households that register their systems will appear on a searchable Public Register.  For full details, go to the ICO website at:

In one London Ward, household CCTV covering the street has been submitted to the Police and has directly led to over 100 arrests for burglary and other serious offences in the past 5 years.  As a result, a group of Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators in Hillingdon have started an on-line petition to encourage the ICO to waive the registration fee.  Neighbourhood & Home Watch Network has taken up the challenge and is inviting Coordinators across England and Wales to sign the petition.  Naturally, Bromley Neighbourhood Watch Association supports this action.  The Petition can be found here:

Kind regards,

Bromley Neighbourhood Watch Association

[email protected]