SURELOCK working with West Yorkshire Trading Standards on behalf of our clients TRAP (Trademark and Rights holders Against Piracy) protecting the music artists

SURELOCK working with West Yorkshire Trading Standards on behalf of our clients TRAP (Trademark and Rights holders Against Piracy) protecting the music artists


Stephen Clarkson, director of Custom Design UK Ltd, was handed an eight-month prison sentence, suspended for two years, at Bradford Crown Court.

Following information received in 2016 from Surelock, which represents numerous trademark holders that Custom Design UK Ltd was selling counterfeit clothing through an eBay account.

West Yorkshire Trading Standards (WYTS) seized, during an inspection in January 2017 of the registered office of Custom Design UK Ltd, items of clothing & heat transfers bearing music and sporting trademarks including US football teams, such as the New England Patriots and Seattle Seahawks.

A computer also seized by WYTS, was found to contain software used to create the heat transfers.

Clarkson pleaded guilty to 14 charges relating to the supply of counterfeit band T-shirts such as The Stone Roses and Metallica.

David Lodge, Head of WYTS said: “We welcome the punishment given to Mr Clarkson as it sends a warning to others that counterfeiting is a serious crime and will not be tolerated.”